Technology and Results
 Company Overview
 Our company came walking in the small scale with iron for 80 years or more.
 Activities has been squeezed more than No.1 aiming at Only1 though there was time when it had pride in a convienient company that can do anything, too.
I'm fine NT
"I'm fine" to the thema of our company
It aims at the employee who has the heart with a good company and vigour to be able to do fine work.
Footprint of our company
Through the manufacturing sales of the engines for the small boats,
It recieves orders from the main manufactures, mainly parts of the fuel pumps those are the hearts of the engines for large-scale ships, and surroundings.
View in the future
In the dream, the key word of the 21st century is a wind from the sea to the sky.
Work about the sky and wind, based on work of sea, we want to work on a new field where it stuck to the moving products.
Industrial machine parts supplier in Okayama Pref. Kurashiki City
Nakatsuka Ironworks Ltd